For the love of light verse

Updated at: 12:04 AM.
Under Category : Poems
For the love of light verse

Katey woke up from a very long nap,
went to the movies, and made up a rap.
She fixed a flat tire and bought a green snake
who lived with a sailor that always ate steak.
She fished for a goldfish with a lawyer and cook,

slipped on some flowers and read a new book.
Katey went running along a green creek,
jogged past a duck and a bucket that leaked.
She swallowed a dime and kissed a young prince,
she sprained her ankle and hasn't been since.

For the love of light verse
Was posted by: , Saturday, December 10, 2011, at 12:04 AM under category Poems and permalink Id 5.7579.

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